As Capitol Hill lawmakers prepare to resume the debate on an overhaul of the nation's health care system, Congressman John Yarmuth of Louisville (pictured) continues to voice his support for a plan that would include a so-called public option.Speaking at the monthly Louisville Forum Tuesday, the Democrat said a government alternative is needed to compete with private insurers and hold down costs.
"Government doesn't do everything right and it doesn't do everything wrong. People who are in Medicare generally applaud the system, they're very happy with it. People who get their care from the VA, which is totally government run, are generally pretty satisfied with the VA," Yarmuth said.Also speaking at the forum was Michael Muldoon, who heads the Health Enterprises Network, a consortium of health-related businesses. He says his group generally agrees that the system needs to be revamped, but there are differing opinions on how to assure everyone has access to coverage.President Obama will discuss the issue in an address to Congress Wednesday night. It will be broadcast on WFPL.