KyCIR reporters dug in to find out how Trump’s plan to deport thousands of people could play out in Kentucky.
El presidente Donald Trump quiere que los oficiales a nivel local ayuden a deportar inmigrantes. En este artículo, descubra lo que las agencias encargadas de aplicar la ley en Kentucky le compartieron a KyCIR sobre este tema.
President Donald Trump wants local officers to help deport immigrants. Here’s what Kentucky law enforcement told KyCIR about that.
The lawyer representing JCPS parents in their federal transportation lawsuit dropped the case without permission of his clients.
Power providers in Kentucky and Indiana say some federal restrictions on coal ash and greenhouse gas pollution should end.
Students at several JCPS magnet schools will get their bus back in March, after a board vote.
In lawsuits, DRC Emergency Services allegedly put workers' health at risk, underpaid subcontractors, broke deals with business partners and misrepresented their experience to obtain contracts.
Rep. Hal Rogers has wanted another prison in eastern Kentucky for years. Local and national activists say the new land owners have better plans for Letcher County.
Kentucky is currently one of 11 states without a wrongful conviction compensation fund. The legislation would create a pathway for wrongfully convicted people to clear their name and provide some financial compensation to make up for years lost behind bars.
Miscarriages are common. But a medication for it is practically inaccessible in Kentucky because it’s also used for abortion.
State records show police and sheriffs seized at least $7.5 million in cash last year, but the full total is unknown.