We really love anytime Walter Marttin puts out a record. From Last year's Arts & Leisure to 2014's We're All Young Together. The latter, his debut solo, was billed as a sort of kids record, though it definitely works for anyone with or without a rugrat. In fact, "We Like The Zoo" was a heavy play at WFPK, a fun trip with The Naitonal's Matt Berninger helping out with vocals. The two have gotten back together for Martin's newest single, the first listen in on his upcoming 3rd LP, My Kind of Music. Here's what Walt has to say about it, along with the song below.
I’ll never forget being a kid listening to Garrison Keillor’s Lake Wobegon Days on long family car trips. I’d be lying in the nauseating back seat of our minivan transfixed by the warmth and humor of his stories. And up in the front my parents would be experiencing the exact same thing. My goal with this album is to induce that same kind of wonderful family hypnosis. I want people to recognize something very human on the other end of their little earbuds, so I put a lot of my unvarnished self in my songs. I want people to recognize someone who talks like them and has flaws like them and who thinks absurd thoughts like them.