Louisville journalist Debby Yetter’s fingertips have bled ink as a reporter and now editorial columnist at The Courier-Journal for over three decades.Yetter is a veteran reporter who has the federal courts, social services and a ferocious focus on state government. Even the newspaper's sharpest critics praised the company's decision when the Yetter's role shifted, and award-winning journalist was picked to help lead the C-J's editorial department.She’s spent her life collecting thoughts and opinions, and has been eager to share her own in the opinion pages.
But the past few years haven't been easy for the print media and many have been critical of the C-J's corporate owner Gannett, especially the way it has handled employee furloughs and layoffs. As some of Yetter's former colleagues have made clear on this program, the consequences can be painful to individuals and harmful to the community at-large.Yetter joined Noise and Notes to talk about some of the issues of the day, but also share how her career as a journalist began and her thoughts about the future of newspapers.