Despite record breaking heat this month, the number of calls to Louisville Metro Animal Services (LMAS) has remained steady, and agency officials say community outreach efforts may be partly responsible.The agency still receives most of its calls on hot summer days, said Margaret Brosco with LMAS rescue, foster and adoption services. “In the first 10 days of July we received 656 calls for service which is huge," she said.Brosco said LMAS receives nearly 2,000 calls a month. But this year calls are down when compared to sample months in 2011.That’s partly because LMAS has stepped up its community outreach and education, she said. Before the new management team was hired last August, Brosco said LMAS was averaging 350 volunteer hours per month.Now that number is averaged at 1,500 hours a month and 500 active volunteers have contributed to the outreach that’s been successful at keeping calls down.The number of calls the agency receives is still too high, said Brosco, but LMAS will continue its effort of being proactive in offering resources and education to the public.LMAS offers these tips to pet owners.