All 92 Indiana counties will soon be able to transfer voice and data information from 911 wireless calls across county lines.Between 70 to 80 percent of 911 calls in Indiana come from wireless devices, said Barry Ritter, executive director of Indiana’s Wireless 911 Advisory Board. Previously, some counties would not be able to pass key information along to the appropriate jurisdiction once a county line was crossed, he said. The new agreement with AT&T changes that.“As someone is traveling from one jurisdiction and goes into another, it gives the 911 operator the opportunity to transfer that call to the appropriate jurisdiction,” he said.This will allow the appropriate jurisdictions to have access to location information as well as communicate directly with that caller. Dispatchers can then request the closest appropriate services.AT&T was the last wireless company to enter into agreement, connecting its service with 40 county 911 systems. Around 50 counties with other service providers have already been connected. This will benefit areas like Clark County, as callers move between counties, said Ritter.“It really becomes important down in your area where you have I-65 running and the county needs to have the ability to transfer a call into the Louisville Metro area because the 911 caller is headed south on 65," Ritter said.