Segment A: We'll talk with the WFPL news staff about this week's stories, including the latest on the Louisville Orchestra — members of which are meeting with Mayor Greg Fischer in less than an hour. And Councilwoman Judy Green's attorney asks for a delay of her removal hearing, citing medical issues, but no one has spoken to the councilwoman, in weeks, including her attorney.Segment B: The retirement announcement of Apple CEO Steve Jobs, while perhaps not completely surprising, certainly has people talking throughout the tech world this week. We'll speak with Macworld Editor Jason Snell and PCMag's News Director Peter PachalSegment C: It's Friday night and the state fair is in town. For many people, that means one thing: beer tent. This weekend, thousands of people will flock to the fairgrounds to drink six dollar beers, sit in the shade and listen to cover bands. But why would fairgoers deal with high prices, heat and frustrating parking instead of going to their neighborhood bar? WFPL's Gabe Bullard went to the fair to find out.