Gallapolooza — the exhibition of decorated fiberglass horses that first hit Metro Louisville streets in 2004 — is getting ready for a second run. WFPL’s Elizabeth Kramer has more.The nonprofit organization Gallopalooza Inc. is accepting designs for horses for the city-wide exhibition to be held next year from April through October.It’s executive director is Lynn Huffman. She says the organization was thinking of having statues of something different, but public opinion won out."We had so much interest in the horses from the last time that everybody kept calling, 'When are you bringing the horses back? When are you bringing the horses back?'" Huffman says. "And we decided to do horses again, however, they are all new statues sculpted specifically for Gallopalooza."Huffman says Gallopalooza is looking for artists of all experience levels on this."Last time, we had some fabulous horses done by a group of preschoolers and we had some that were done professional artists with such notoriety as Peter Max," she says.Designs must be submitted by Dec. 19, although Huffman is encouraging applicants to enter by Friday to boost the chances of being chosen for the project. The winning designs will be on exhibit throughout the city next year from April through October and then auctioned to raise money for Brightside, a city beautification program.