The Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting has received a major grant from Louisville's C. E. & S. Foundation.
The three-year, $600,000 grant will support further expansion of the newsroom and help launch more investigative work.
“We are extremely grateful to the C. E. & S. Foundation for this very generous gift, which will enable us to take this vital work to the next level,” Donovan Reynolds, Louisville Public Media's President and General Manager, said in a news release.
The nonprofit investigative newsroom -- created in 2013 and launched earlier last year -- relies on community and foundation support for its operations.
The C. E. & S. Foundation is a private, nonprofit family foundation. Its officers include David Jones, the co-founder of healthcare giant Humana; David Jones Jr., chairman of venture capital firm Chrysalis Ventures, a board member at Humana and Jefferson County Public Schools; and attorney Bryan K. Johnson.
The grant is the latest in a string of good news for the investigative group. The newsroom took home a bevy of top honors from the Society of Professional Journalists' Metro Louisville contest and netted several Green Eyeshade Awards, which recognize the best reporting in the South.