Samuel Jaggers, 17, was arrested last November and charged as an adult with two Level 1 felonies for attempted murder and a Level 5 felony for criminal recklessness with a firearm.
He pleaded guilty Monday to an amended charge — a lower-level felony for assisting a criminal. The attempted murder charges were dismissed.
Jaggers was initially accused of firing shots at Clarksville Police Chief Mark Palmer’s home in September; there were no injuries reported. Initial court records showed Jaggers and others had gone to the area to fight someone, and that the person had given Palmer’s address to avoid the altercation.
Clark County Prosecutor Jeremy Mull confirmed that after continued investigation, police now believe Jaggers was involved but did not fire the gun.
Jaggers was released Monday after around six months in custody. He’ll be on supervised probation for about a year and-a-half.
Indiana State Police Sgt. Carey Huls said the case remains under investigation and more arrests are possible.
As part of the plea, Jaggers agreed to testify against any other co-defendants or suspects in the case.