A task force of Kentucky lawmakers is using the next few months to figure out how the state can improve digital learning across all classrooms in the commonwealth.The General Assembly agreed to form the task force to review possible legislative changes that encourage using more technology in schools.The goal now is to propose legislation that pairs up the state with successful digital education providers or programs, said task force co-chair Rep. Carl Rollins.“We will hear hopefully from some companies that have technology available and maybe encourage them to work with some of our schools in a pilot program to introduce the technology at little or no cost," he said.The task force will also likely hear testimony the next few months from teachers and from the Kentucky Education Department, said Rollins.Initial impressions show the highest need for digital learning in 5th and 6th grade classrooms and those will likely be the focus of any legislation that come from the group, he said."In middle schools and especially the high schools, there’s some really exciting things begin done with technology," said Rollins.A report from Open Ed Solutions commissioned by the education department last year recommends beginning the transition to digital assessments over the next few years.