Update, 7:00: Police say a 22-year-old is in custody and the SWAT standoff has ended. A Louisville SWAT team is still assessing the situation at the corner of 41st and Herman streets, where a suspect is barricaded in a house.The standoff began shortly before 1:00 pm, when Louisville Metro police reported that two individuals were shooting at each other near Shawnee High School. Officers pursued suspects on foot. One 15-year-old was brought into custody, though officers aren't saying whether he faces any charges. Another suspect is believed to be barricaded in a home near 41st and Herman streets.JCPS officials say Shawnee High School has been on heightened security all day following shootings yesterday. Students were dismissed at 2:20, with the following precautions:
- Any Shawnee students that would walk into the affected area to get home will be allowed to remain at the school until they can be picked up or an all-clear is given.
- Because the situation is so close, there are no Shawnee bus riders affected
- Bus riders from other schools whose stops are in areas blocked off by police will be taken to Western Middle School until parents pick them up or the all-clear is given.
- Elementary school walkers who cannot be delivered to the affected area will remain at their respective schools until they can be picked up or there is an all-clear.
LMPD officials are not saying whether they believe the incident is related to two shootings yesterday.Previous developments:Update 1:05: Louisville Metro Police say two men were allegedly shooting at each other near Shawnee High School. Officers were in foot pursuit shortly after the shots were fired.Update 1:55: JCPS officials say the school is not and never was on an official lockdown. Security was already heightened, and staff were on alert after the shots were reported.Update 2:10: WAVE3 reports that one 15-year-old suspect was apprehended and the SWAT team has been called to a house where another suspect has barricaded himself inside.Update 2:30: LMPD confirms previous reports that a 15-year-old suspect was apprehended, though officers will not say what the suspect is being charged with or if the suspect had a role in the shooting near Shawnee. Another suspect is barricaded in a house near 41st and Herman streets. The SWAT team is on the scene.This story will be updated.