1:06pm: There’s a lot of chatter today still about the dustup between President Obama and John Boehner over the jobs address — now scheduled for next Thursday. We’ll have some follow-up.1:12pm: Many of America's most powerful women are graduates of Trinity college, a small and little-known Catholic women's college founded in 1897 by a group of nuns dedicated to the education of women. We’ll talk to the college’s president about how Trinity’s mission has changed and is growing.1:35pm: The University of Louisville has expanded its partnership with Baptist Hospital East, saying it will relocate procedures that will eventually be banned at U of L Hospital after the three-way merger involving Catholic Health Initiatives. The merger has caused a lot of concern in the community, and we’ll find out more about it. Read the Catholic Health Directives, which the new, merged hospital group will be expected to follow, here.