Under Mitch McConnell's proposal, congress would give the President the power to increase the debt ceiling by up to $2.5 trillion, as long as he simultaneously proposed spending cuts of greater size. Congress would need to muster a two-thirds majority to veto any increase. McConnell said he was forced to introduce the plan because he didn't see a path to an agreement so long as Democrats insist on revenue increases. We'll have the latest from those following the story.Hundreds of stores, as well as restaurants and bars in Minnesota are unable to replenish beer and other alcohol supplies because they cannot renew their state-issued alcohol purchasing cards. Cigarettes smokers may face a similar shortage, and the state has also stopped issuing hunting and fishing licenses. The list of closed services includes highway rest stops, the state's 66 parks, 26 historical sites and museums, racetracks, state lottery sales, driving tests, and offices for professional licenses. On day 13 of the state shutdown, with no end in sight to the budget stalemate, we'll talk about what could happen next.We'll also find out just how many cell phones might be vulnerable to the kind of voicemail hacking that lead to the recent British media scandal.