An ensemble comedy series produced for the web recently wrapped up shooting in Louisville."stalk TALK" was created by Louisville native Rachel Annettee Helson and directed by David Ruttura, who has worked on the Broadway productions "Million Dollar Quartert" and "Lombardi," among others. Helson says the plot, set in Los Angeles, centers on a group of recovering celebrity stalkers who are undergoing court-ordered therapy sessions. "I actually have a friend who was a child actor who was being stalked, and it's a very scary thing. But I was very curious about it, and what goes on in those people's heads, and the idea just kind of came to me one day. What if we had a rehab facility for them? It was like, that's kind of funny," she said. Helson says she brought the production to Louisville in order to work with Emmy-winning photographer and editor Stephen Kertis.The cast of "Stalk Talk" includes Louisville native Peter Lewis. The show will be available online starting in late January.