It's been nearly one year since flash flood waters damaged dozens of buildings on the University of Louisville campus. The campus has been repaired, and officials say they’re better prepared for such a disaster.On August 4th, 2009 heavy rains backed-up sewers and caused damage across Louisville.The floods caused some 20 million dollars in damage to U of L, and the repairs took several months. And in addition to the repairs, the school erected berms, made some doors water-tight and took other steps to prevent water from entering buildings.University President James Ramsey says the upgrades make the buildings safer, but won't completely protect against another freak storm."I don't know that you can ever avoid something like this—it was a once and a lifetime event," he says. "But we've done a number of things to minimize or do whatever we could to keep it from happening again."The cost of repairing the flood damage was covered by the school's insurance policy.