The Cabbage Patch Settlement House in Old Louisville has completed a multi-year expansion project.Cabbage Patch, which provides various services for at-risk children, has renovated 10 thousand square feet of its Old Louisville headquarters and has added an additional 19 thousand square feet. The extra space includes a common area and theater."I'm tired of seeing the kids try to do a play in the gymnasium where nobody can hear them," says Executive Director Tracy Holladay. "We've got a little theatre, so to speak, a large room, and we've got a fellowship hall kind of space. It's space we have needed, literally, for decades."The project cost seven-and-a-half million dollars, and the organization still needs to raise two million dollars. Holladay says he hopes that will happen before next summer."We do not want to do long-term debt service," he says. "We believe that will hamper our operating budget and cause really challenging times in terms of programming. So we really would like to get these dollars raised in the next six months or so."Holladay says Cabbage Patch currently serves about 100 children. He expects that number to reach 125 with the new facilities.