HomeGrown goes native this week with a look at native kalmia, rhododendron and azalea that grow in the Appalachian Mountains, but can find a home in your yard; and a visit to the Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve in Oldham County. Meadowbrook Nursery owner Jamie Oxley talks about the use of native woodland plants from his North Carolina nursery. Tavia Cathcart, executive director of Creasey Mahan (pictured, right), leads a verbal tour of what the preserve has to offer as it prepares for NatureFest, it’s big May 30th open house. Downloadable MP3Find out more:
- Meadowbrook Nursery
- Kalmia latifolia factsheet
- Azalea Society of America - Natives
- American Rhododendron Society
- Creasey Mahan Nature Preserve