A settlement has been reached under which Louisville Gas and Electric Company's newrates for natural gas and electricity would be less than originally requested.Company spokesperson Chris Whelan (WAY-lon) says under an agreement reached with the state attorney general's office, the utility's electric customers would see their monthly bill decrease by one dollar per month, on average. Gas customers would see an average increase of $5.10 per month.Customers of LG and E's sister company, Kentucky Utilities, would pay sixty cents less per month for electricity.The new rates could go into effect as early as next month if approved by the Kentucky Public Service Commission.Whelan says the settlement does not take into account the companies' request to recoup costs related to last September's windstorm."the windstorm is a separate hearing before the commission and they're basically requesting information from all the utilties from across the state and then they'll review that," Whelan said.The PSC is expected to act on the settlement Thursday.