In a new discussion with Kyle Meredith, acclaimed producers Lena Waithe and Rishi Rajani delve into their Emmy-nominated documentary, 'Being Mary Tyler Moore,' now available on Max. This documentary unveils a dual narrative, chronicling the life of Mary Tyler Moore and her profound impact on the conversation surrounding women in 1960s and 1970s America.
Waithe, known for her contributions to 'Master of None,' 'Ready Player One,' 'The Chi,' and more, shares her personal connection to the iconic show, discovered through Nickelodeon's Nick At Nite. She draws parallels between Mary Tyler Moore's career journey and that of Julia Louis-Dreyfus, highlighting the transformative influence of these trailblazing women in entertainment.
Rajani provides insight into their upcoming documentary, which explores the lockdown-producing Verzuz series by Swizz Beatz and Timbaland. The documentary also delves into the role of Black music as a source of solace during turbulent times.
Watch the full interview above and then check out the trailer below.