C D K · Culture Maven on Film: "Clickbait"
Film Review & Podcast by c d kaplan
These days there are so many newly minted words or words with new meanings thanks to our technoculture.
Meme is one. Catfishing another.
And, “Clickbait,” which is the title of this surprisingly spry and intriguing 8 part mystery series, available on Netflix.
A well liked, ostensibly decent physical therapist for a volleyball team fails to show up for work.
Then he becomes internet famous as a captive in a video, holding signs admitting to heinous acts. One says, he is to die when there are 5,000,000 hits for the video.
It goes, as it is said, viral.
A search ensues.
Each of the episodes focuses on a different character, some just peripheral to the situation, some in the middle of it. Lots of McGuffins.
For more info and insight, listen to my podcast above.