It's been a while since we've heard from Kathleen Hoye of Louisville and boy, is it good to hear from her again! WFPK is proud to premiere her brand new song "Riptide" which drops on Monday, November 1st, 2021 on all major streaming platforms. Since her last album Young Girl which came out in 2014, a lot has changed in technology and how music was delivered ie: mostly on CDs! Now you can ask some disembodied entity like Siri or Alexa to play it for you while you cook noodles in your kitchen. Yes, a lot has changed but Kathleen's voice and talents have only deepened with time and wisdom well earned.
"Riptide" depicts a near drowning episode she experienced with her young daughter, but also it's about losing one's orientation to life. "I suppose you could call this my pandemic song - every songwriter seems to have one right now" says Hoye.
"Riptide" was mixed, produced, and engineered by Duane Lundy of Lexington Recording Company. Musician Butch Rice assisted in writing. The song also features Tom Hnatow on bass and guitar, Tripp Bratton on drums, Zach Hamilton on synth assist, with Kathleen on vocals.