Here’s what’s not up for debate: Eastern Kentucky coal production has plummeted over the past several years. In 2000, the region mined just over 106 million tons of coal. Last year, production was below 40 million tons.The reasons for that decline are numerous and complicated.It’s getting more expensive to mine coal in Eastern Kentucky, as easily-reachable reserves are depleted. Power plants are favoring cheaper, high-sulfur coal from the Illinois Basin and Powder River Basin. Natural gas is more competitive. And environmental regulations have also played a role—and will continue to play a role as the Environmental Protection Agency finalizes its regulations on carbon dioxide emissions.One constant refrain from the state’s coal supporters has been that the Obama Administration’s actions to reduce carbon dioxide emissions are useless; as the U.S. burns less coal, more of that coal is sent overseas, where emissions controls are more lax.That’s not necessarily an argument for doing nothing to reduce the country’s CO2 emissions, but data included in an Associated Press article published yesterday suggests that some of the coal the U.S. isn’t burning is going elsewhere.What’s still not clear is where Kentucky’s coal industry fits into that equation.According to an AP analysis of Energy Department data, the U.S. has cut coal consumption by 195 million tons over the last five years. And 20 percent of that coal has been shipped overseas. This raises some tough questions for Obama, as the EPA pursues climate change regulations.
But there’s a sort of wonky problem with federal export data. The Kentucky Energy and Environment Cabinet maintains a wealth of data about coal in the commonwealth, but there’s a hole when it comes to quantifying how much Kentucky coal is exported overseas.The EEC relies on data from the federal Department of Energy and the U.S. Census. And when you look at the numbers—Kentucky’s total production minus coal used domestically minus foreign exports—they don’t add up. Aron Patrick of the Department for Energy Development and Independence says there’s some “lost coal” there.That’s because the federal data only counts coal that’s loaded onto a barge in Kentucky and shipped overseas as “foreign exports.”If, say, it’s loaded onto a train and shipped to New Orleans, where it’s unloaded, mixed with other coal, and then loaded onto an ocean liner for export, the government counts that as Louisiana coal.Patrick says the EEC is working on a way to get a more accurate picture of how much Eastern and Western Kentucky coal is being shipped overseas. But historically, coal exports have accounted for a relatively small percentage of Kentucky’s coal production. So, it still remains to be seen whether other countries demanding—and burning—American coal will have any effect on the state’s coal industry.