On Byline today, we'll get an update on the U.S. Senate race, hear about how politics and misinformation pushed through a proposed biomass plant in Eastern Kentucky and much more.Join us at 1 p.m. today.First up, WFPL's Phillip M. Bailey will discuss this week's events in the U.S. Senate race,which included a Louisville reporter being barred from a press conference with Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell and a debate challenge from the senator's primary opponent.Phillip will also talk about this week's developments in city politics.We'll also hear from the Kentucky Center for Investigative Reporting ontheir in-depth look in a proposed biomass plant in Eastern Kentucky.The KyCIR also launched a new website. Check it out here.We'll also hear about a man attempting to become Kentucky's first Muslim lawmaker, about the history of Louisville's Camp Taylor neighborhood, and more about the Humana Festival.Join us at 1 p.m. today for Byline. Listen at 89.3 or stream at WFPL.org.
Byline Today: Kentucky's Senate Race, Investigating an Eastern Kentucky Power Plant Plan and More