The deadline for attorneys seeking to take up the state's appeal of a federal judge's same-sex marriage order has been pushed back, a spokeswoman for Kentucky Gov. Steve Beshear's office said.On Tuesday, Beshear announced that he'd appeal U.S. District Judge John Heyburn's order that Kentucky must recognize out-of-state same-sex marriages. The governor's announcement was made moments after Attorney General Jack Conway said he would not appeal the case.The same day, the state issued a request for proposals seeking an attorney outside of state government to handle the appeal. The deadline was initially set for noon Friday.Now, the state has extended the deadline to noon Tuesday.Kerri Richardson, a spokeswoman for Beshear, said the deadline was extended "to allow respondents ample time to ask questions and gather information before finalizing their proposals."The state can't comment about applicants until the procurement process ends, Richardson said.Heyburn granted a stay on his order until March 20. Beshear said he'll seek an additional stay pending the appeal.On Friday, the plaintiffs' attorneys in the Kentucky casefiled a similar lawsuit in Indiana.
Kentucky Pushes Back Deadline in Search for Attorneys to Appeal Same-Sex Marriage Order
