Actors Theatre of Louisville’s annual Humana Festival of New American Plays is underway.Coming up this weekend is Jordan Harrison’s “The Grown-Up,” a play about the power of storytelling on stage. It opens Sunday and runs through April 7. This is Harrison’s fifth Humana Festival play. His last to open in the festival was “Maple and Vine” in 2011. Harrison says this play is a bit less linear than "Maple and Vine," and in some ways is what he calls a slant memoir. “My director said something to me the other day that I liked," says Harrison. "He said, 'you know you wrote the first draft of this play in a week, but you’ve been preparing to write it your entire life,' and that’s how it feels to me.” WFPL’s Erin Keane spoke with Harrison about his play, about being a Humana Festival veteran, and writing in experimental and conventional forms.
Humana Festival Playwright Jordan Harrison on 'The Grown-Up'