A few weeks ago, we suffered the failure of a key component of our transmitter, which took WFPL News off the air for several hours while our engineer worked to fix the problem. (The online stream was not affected.)The equipment is back from the manufacturer, and we'll need to go off the air for about 15 minutes tonight while our engineer swaps out the spare unit and replaces the original configuration. This will happen sometime between 10pm and 12am this evening. Again, our engineer tells us the actual downtime will be about 15 minutes. As was the case before, the online stream will continue without interruption.Thanks for your patience. Our transmitters for WFPL News, 91.9 WFPK and Classical 90.5 are nearing the end of their 20-year lifespan in the next two years, and we're planning for the nearly $300,000 cost to replace them.