by Brenna Angel, Kentucky Public RadioA federal judge in Lexington is considering whether a Croatian woman who fought in the Yugoslav Wars should be extradited to Bosnia.Fifty-two-year-old Azra Basic walked into U.S. District Court Monday in a teal green inmate uniform, more than seven months after she was arrested in connection with war crimes in the former Yugoslavia. Officials in Bosnia want the woman, who was living in Powell County, returned to Europe to face the charges. But Basic’s attorney Patrick Nash says there are questions about the Bosnian government’s witnesses.“At least a couple of them were soldiers, not civilians, number one. Number two, a couple of the others really didn’t say that my client did anything to them, certainly not torture or war crimes," he says.Nash says there is also the issue of whether a formal warrant was ever issued for Basic. U.S. Magistrate Robert Wier (WEER) has requested more information from attorneys before making a ruling on the extradition.