Polling ahead of most Republicans, former Massachusetts Gov. Mitt Romney is inching towards a presidential run by announcing he has formed an exploratory committee.In a YouTube video taped at the University of New Hampshire, Romney focused on jobs and the economy, blaming President Barack Obama for the stalled recovery."How has this happened in the nation that leads the world in innovation and productivity? The answer is that President Obama's policies have failed," he says. "He and virtually all the people around him have never worked in the real economy. They just don't know how jobs are created in the private sector. That's where I spent my entire career."Check it out:Romney made a similar argument when he ran for president in 2008, saying that America needed a businessman in the White House. However, he eventually lost his bid for the GOP presidential nomination to Sen. John McCain of Arizona.The GOP field of candidates this time around appears to be a little more...emaciated?