With less than six weeks until Election Day, Kentuckians who wish to vote in the upcoming May 17 primary election only have a week to register.The deadline is April 18, and county clerks’ offices throughout the commonwealth will accept voter registration cards until the close of business that day.Thesecretary of state's office is also reminding people that they can obtain registration cards online and that a postmark of April 18 is required for all mail-in voter registration applications.Other important facts to remember:Minors who are 17 years old but will be 18 years old on or before the November 8 general election are eligible to register and entitled to vote in the upcoming primary.
If a voter has moved from one county to another prior to the voter registration books closing and he or she does not update his or her voter registration, that voter will not be allowed to vote in the primary election.
If a voter changed their political party registration after December 31, they are ineligible to vote in the party primary of his or her newly chosen party or former party
Kentucky has closed party primaries, meaning that only voters registered as a Democrat or Republican may vote in their respective primaries.
All eligible and registered voters, regardless of political party registration, may vote in the November 2011 General Election or any special election.
If citizens are unsure whether they have registered to vote or uncertain as to where they vote, they can view all of that information online through the Voter Information Center. The election service tells voters where they are registered to vote, the location of their polling site, and their political affiliation.