by Stu Johnson, Kentucky Public RadioA measure to expand Kentucky’s liquor sampling law has failed to pass the state legislature. A bill calling for permanent authority at licensed events failed in the house. Shepherdsville representative Linda Belcher sponsored the bill.“Some people may have seen it as an alcohol issue, I didn’t, to me it’s us educating visitors especially about the bourbon experience,” said Belcher.Lexington representative Ruth Ann Palumbo is disappointed Kentucky’s bourbon industry will be excluded from upcoming World Equestrian Games.”It was a perfect opportunity or will be at the games to showcase our signature product in Kentucky because people in Europe aren’t familiar with the Bourbon industry.”Louisville representative Tom Riner worried that free sampling would send a pro-alcohol message to young people.“That creates a climate a pro alcohol culture climate that influences adversely children,” said Riner.If the distilled spirits industry is someday given the go ahead for such samplings, Riner hopes children are not present.”Children should be shielded from actually observing adults drinking these liquors,” said Riner.