The Louisville Metro Council will take up the issue of mayoral succession Thursday.Wednesday, a council committee passed a resolution that seeks to designate the president of the council as mayor if the elected mayor cannot fulfill the duties of office. The council would then have 30 days to appoint a new mayor to serve out the remainder of the term.Councilman Kelly Downard had proposed a resolution that allowed the mayor to appoint a designated successor, but he dropped the plan."I'm swayed by the fact that the Council President is elected, albeit only for the district, but also elected by this council," he said. "That gives more power, I think, in terms thrown back to the people over who's going to handle it for 30 days."The resolution goes before the full council Thursday. Any changes to merger law must be approved by the state legislature, so the resolution simply asks the General Assembly to change the order of mayoral succession. Current law allows the council to elect a new mayor, but does not designate an interim mayor.