From Kentucky Public Radio's Tony McVeighKentucky Senate Republicans will meet privately Friday to elect a new majority leader. Sen. Dan Kelly of Springfield has resigned the post.Senate leaders have done a good job of keeping Sen. Kelly’s resignation as majority leader quiet. He resigned two weeks ago, but word is just now trickling out.For now, Kelly remains a senator, but it’s no secret he hopes Gov. Beshear will soon appoint him to a vacant circuit judgeship.That would set the stage for another special election, which Democrats hope to capitalize on like they did in August when Democrat Robin Webb won the Senate seat formerly held by Republican Charlie Borders. Gov. Beshear appointed Borders to the Public Service Commission.Beshear wants to wrest control of the Senate away from Republicans, whom he sees as a roadblock to expanded gambling. Currently, there are 20 Republicans in the Senate, 17 Democrats and one independent.Among those seeking to replace Sen. Kelly as majority leader are Republican senators Robert Stivers of Manchester and Ken Winters of Murray.