Louisville’s Metro Council will hold a first reading later this week of a resolution that would ask the mayor to select four citizens to serve on a bi-state authority to oversee the Ohio River Bridges Project. The authority would be made up of people from Kentucky and Indiana, and manage financing, constructing and operating the multi-billion dollar project.Councilman Kevin Kramer is a co-sponsor of the resolution – along with Council President David Tandy. Kramer says some council members see the legislation as an opportunity to re-open discussion about the project and alternatives that have been presented.“This is not the time for further discussion on the project itself.," says Kramer. "The state didn’t open it up and say, ‘Go back and revisit this or rediscuss or decide for yourselves if the project is a good one’.”The council was asked by the Kentucky General Assembly to pass the resolution.The proposal would create seven seats to represent Kentucky on the bi-state authority: four from Louisville appointed by the Mayor, and three from the rest of the state appointed by the Governor.