In a speech to the Rotary Club of Louisville Thursday, U.S. Senator Jim Bunning of Kentucky said he will not be deterred in his bid for re-election.No other high-profile Republicans have entered the Senate race, but last week, Democratic Attorney General Jack Conway filed to run in the primary against Lieutenant Governor Dan Mongiardo, who has raised $429,000 since entering the race in February.Bunning reported this week that he raised just over $262,000 during the first three months of the year. His relatively low campaign account has raised questions about whether he will continue to seek re-election, but Bunning says he’s in for the duration."I'm running for a third term," he says. "I haven't convinced everybody in Kentucky of that yet. But I'm trying."Republican Secretary of State Trey Grayson has said he will run for Bunning's seat if the senator drops out, as has Bowling Green activist Rand Paul. State Senate President David Williams has also expressed interest in entering the primary.