In 2017, Dave Grohl’s mother Virginia released a book titled From Cradle to Stage, and the following year, the mother/son duo announced that they were developing a TV show of the same name. A trailer for the new show has finally emerged, and it will follow Pharrel, Miranda Lambert, Brandi Carlile, Tom Morello, Rush’s Geddy Lee, focusing on their relationships with their mothers.
“I believe that the relationship between a musician and their mother is so important because it’s the foundation of their understanding of love, which is surely every artist’s greatest muse,” Grohl shared in a statement. “Having the opportunity to travel the country and tell the stories of these amazing women behind the curtain not only shed some light on the music that they inspired, but also made me appreciate the love that I was given from my own mother, my best friend. It goes without saying that we are all indebted to the women who have given us life. For without them, there would be no music.”
From Cradle to Stage is set to premiere on Paramount + on Thursday, May 6th. Watch the trailer below.