What do WFPK favorites, Weezer, and National Geographic Magazine have in common? Ordinarily, I wouldn't have a clue, but the band's latest release, "Raditude," and the perennial award winning monthly are unlikely partners of a sort, recently. The rather amazing cover shot of Sidney, a three-year-old Labrador mix mutt, in flight (yes, you read that right) was culled from the August issue of National Geographic. The jumping dog was one of the “Your Shot” selections, a front matter segment which appears in the magazine. NGM Editor and Pop Omnivore Marc Silver, has a terrific interview with Sidney's owner in his Blog. (Alas, Sidney was passed out on the floor, and unavailable.) But his owner offers some interesting observations about this unlikely partnership.
Check out the blog that features an interview with Sidney's owner.
Could a National Geographic Magazine and Animal Collective partnership be in our future?
—Co urtesy Marc Silver and National Geographic Magazine.