-Letter from Granville Bantock to Frederick Delius
Granville Bantock was an influential musical force in Great Britain, both in and behind the music scene. Born into a wealthy family, his father attempted to make Granville into a diplomat, then a chemist. But Bantock found the disciplines distasteful to the point that he began to suffer ill health from depression. His father eventually acquiesced to Granville's plea to study music.
Bantock attended the Royal Academy of Music and his music career took off. He became a conductor of light opera while writing his own compositions. Through his conducting duties he was introduced to the big names in classical music in Britain at the time.
Bantock was known for his kindness to other musicians. He often offered his home to friends if they were visiting for extended stays. When he heard that his friend Frederick Delius was in financial straits, he bought the Delius home and then allowed the Deliuses to remain in their home rent-free. He was knighted for his services to music and education in 1930.
Join us for An English Pastorale Sunday at 9 am for the music of Granville Bantock:
Kishmul's Galley
Old English Suite
Celtic Symphony
The Witch of Atlas
The Sea Reivers