Town officials are working with Clark-Dietz Inc. to create the Connecting Clarksville Thoroughfare Plan, which is designed to be a guide for future development of new and existing roads.
The team’s research has included resident surveys to learn more about how they travel through Southern Indiana, traffic and crash data, and input from stakeholders like TARC and Clarksville Community Schools.
The group will present initial findings at a public meeting April 20 from 6 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Clarksville branch of the Jeffersonville Township Public Library.
“Clarksville residents often say that they want to have more input in how our Town operates,” Communications Director Ken Conklin said in a news release. “This is the perfect opportunity for them to have a real impact on the future of our town’s infrastructure.”
The plan is funded through the Kentuckiana Regional Planning & Development Agency, which helps support transportation, public administration and social services in the area.
Following the meeting this month, Clark-Dietz will finalize the plan and present it to the town council for review in June.
Coverage of Southern Indiana is funded, in part, by Samtec, Inc. and the Hazel & Walter T. Bales Foundation.