Louisville's annual Forecastle Festival bills itself as one dedicated to music, art and activism.
In recent months, activism has been at the forefront of efforts to push for racial justice and equality, especially regarding interactions between residents and law enforcement.
To get an idea of what activism means to the thousands of people attending the three-day festival in downtown Louisville, we went there and asked some people that question: What does activism mean to you?
Here's what they said.
"For me, activism is standing up for something you believe in, even if it's at a cost to yourself," Patrick Howard, 18.
"To me, it is actually going out there and doing something. Instead of being a keyboard-cowboy it's actually getting out there and doing something and making a difference,"" Jasmine Young, 25.
"Doing good things for your community, helping out," Lindsey Marquardt, 23.
"Caring about the people you live with that aren't necessarily right next door to you," Chelsea Bowles, 23.
"The idea of being an active citizen can't just be about race or gender or sexual identity, but that the structures of oppression are somehow interlocked. That somehow, someone who suffers from the affects of classism and someone who suffers from the affects of sexism or racism, they can come together and understand how those different acts of oppression work," Marquese Carter, 25.
"Direct involvement in the world around you, in the way that you wish to have the world be," Jeff Jobson, 61.
"It's about taking the community and the things that are right in this country and this society and tying them all together," Mark Faubel, 29.