Motorists who will be crossing the new Ohio River bridges in Louisville can begin setting up their electronic tolling accounts next week.
A tolling system called Riverlinkwill collect all tolls electronically. Starting next Thursday, motorists can open Riverlink accounts. Spokeswoman Mindy Peterson said there are three ways to do that.
“They can simply go online to, they can call Riverlink or they can go in person to a customer service center,” she said.
There are customer service centers at 400 East Main Street in Louisville and 103 Quartermaster Court in Jeffersonville, Indiana.
Tolling will begin late this year on the new bridges in downtown Louisville and eastern Jefferson County, as well as the refurbished Kennedy Bridge downtown.
Toll rates will range from $2 to $12. The lowest tolls will be charged to motorists who install a transponder that deducts the funds from a prepaid account. The tolling plan was approvedby transportation officials from Indiana and Kentucky in May.
Peterson said there's plenty of time for people to sign up for Riverlink accounts because the actual collection of tolls is still several months away.
“We are simply opening for business next week but we have a lot of time before tolling starts," she said. "That’s not going to happen until late this year.”