The author of the bestselling book on people's relationship with water will be among the speakers Monday during the IdeaFestival Water event.
Wallace J. Nichols, a scientist and "wild water advocate," will discuss how human connection with water can provide a “blueprint” for a better life and other ideas laid out in his book, "Blue Mind."
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He said healthy waterways remove stress and help creativity, among other benefits. That, he added, may lead people to appreciate and take better care of their water.
"The last few years, I've kind of wondered more deeply about why it is that water makes us feel oftentimes like the best versions of ourselves, whether it's a bathtub or floating or swimming down a river, or being on the beach near the ocean," he told WFPL News.
IF Water begins at 5:30 p.m. Monday at the Louisville Water Tower Park and Museum on River Road.