Louisville Mayor Greg Fischer will join the city's chief innovation officer, Ted Smith, on Monday to talk Google Fiber.
Fischer last month announced the city is working with Google Fiber representatives to bring the ultra high-speed Internet connectivity to Louisville.
The broadband connection is up to 100 times faster than service currently available in the city, Smith said. Residents would also pay less for the faster Internet, he noted.
With Google Fiber, users can download and upload information at 1,000 megabits per second. That’s about three times faster than the fastest Internet package from AT&T’s U-Verse, according to Smith.
“It’s a pretty big upgrade,” he added in a recent interview.
To date, a dozen U.S. cities have or are set to receive the ultra high-speed Internet. Some of Louisville’s “peer cities,” such as Nashville and Charlotte, are already working on getting Google Fiber installed.
Fischer and Smith will begin the program at 8 a.m. at the Open Coffee Louisville creative forum at the iHub center, on the University of Louisville's Nucleus campus downtown.
The event is free and open to the public.