Matt Bevin, the Republican candidate for governor, discussed issues ranging from the state's pension woes to medical marijuana on Tuesday during a WFPL News Special.
You can listen to the full broadcast below:
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Bevin also discussed with hosts Rick Howlett and Ryland Barton his views on climate change, the saga in Rowan County over same-sex marriage and his support for expunging certain nonviolent Class D felonies.
"They should be given a chance to reengage with society," Bevin said.
WFPL News' special live broadcasts with gubernatorial candidates continue at 1 p.m. Thursday with independent candidate Drew Curtis. Democrat Jack Conway will be interviewed at 1 p.m. Oct. 9. Listen at 89.3 FM or stream here.
You can ask questions of those candidates here.
And you can find our complete coverage of the 2015 election here.