Some Louisville public schools have a vast majority of kindergarten students ready to tackle the curriculum. Other schools, have a lot of catching up to do, according to data released this week by the state education department.
The state has screened new kindergartners the past two years on basic skills, such as knowing the alphabet.
State education leaders expressed a desire in recent years to increase the number of children who have basic skills before starting kindergarten; efforts include a push to improve child care centers.
This school year, 51.9 percent of JCPS kindergartners were ready to begin their education—a slight decrease from the year before, WFPL's Devin Katayama reported Wednesday.
But kindergarten readiness varies across JCPS—89.7 percent were ready at Greathouse-Shryock and Brandeis elementaries, 13 percent were ready at Slaughter Elementary.
As Devin noted on Wednesday:
JCPS has offered workshops to families who need help getting their children ready for kindergarten after data showed the lack of kindergarten readiness is disproportionate in some areas of the county.
The data showed 70.7 percent of JCPS kindergartners who were previously in child care were ready to start school, and 53.6 percent of children who'd been in the Head Start program were ready. In contrast, 32.2 percent of children who'd spent their days at home before entering a JCPS kindergarten class were ready.
Below are the percent of JCPS kindergarten students who were ready at the start of this school year and last, broken down by school.
JCPS Kindergarten Readiness
School,Kindergarten Ready in 2014-15,Kindergarten Ready in 2013-14Atkinson Academy ,28.4,35.1Auburndale Elementary School ,49,35.5Audubon Traditional Elem ,60.6,87.4Bates Elementary ,60,66.0Blake Elementary ,31.7,38.6Bloom Elementary ,82.9,80.2Blue Lick Elementary ,42.4,56.0Bowen Elementary ,82.9,66.7Brandeis Elementary ,89.7,84.9Breckinridge/Franklin Elementary ,39.8,40.8Brown School ,80.4,87.5Byck Elementary ,54.3,57.4Camp Taylor Elementary ,43.2,31.5Cane Run Elementary ,32,25.4Carter Elementary ,67.3,73.7Chancey Elementary School ,59.2,64.7Chenoweth Elementary School ,65,57.1Cochran Elementary ,39.2,43.1Cochrane Elementary ,54.5,51.4Coleridge-Taylor Elementary ,68.8,65.4Coral Ridge Elementary ,34.6,40.0Crums Lane Elementary ,44.4,45.1Dixie Elementary ,49.4,42.7Dunn Elementary School ,64.2,82.8Eisenhower Elementary School ,67,56.1Engelhard Elementary ,23.5,41.1Fairdale Elementary School ,30.3,43.7Farmer Elementary ,66.7,58.7Fern Creek Elementary ,53.8,74.2Field Elementary ,47.8,57.4Foster Traditional Academy ,64.7,64.4Frayser Elementary ,28.9,19.3Gilmore Lane Elementary ,27.1,28.0Goldsmith Elementary ,33.7,43.2Greathouse Shryock Traditional ,89.7,89.9Greenwood Elementary School ,32.3,29.7Gutermuth Elementary ,42.9,63.4Hartstern Elementary ,35.1,36.3Hawthorne Elementary ,53.3,65.3Hazelwood Elementary School ,35.3,37.8Hite Elementary School ,72.2,72.9Indian Trail Elementary ,32.9,32.4Jacob Elementary ,43,38.2Jeffersontown Elementary ,55.1,63.2Johnsontown Road Elementary ,34.9,34.0Kennedy Elementary Montessori ,79.8,61.6Kenwood Elementary ,39,19.0Kerrick Elementary School ,39.7,50.0King Elementary ,61,57.4Klondike Elementary ,48.8,39.4Laukhuf Elementary ,54.5,59.7Layne Elementary ,44.1,44.4Lincoln Elementary Performing Arts ,83.8,68.0Lowe Elementary School ,80.2,77.4Luhr Elementary ,50.7,41.6Maupin Elementary ,41.9,47.3Mcferran Preparatory Academy ,53.1,38.8Medora Elementary ,78.9,52.1Middletown Elementary ,76.8,71.9Mill Creek Elementary ,52.7,54.2Minors Lane Elementary ,14.3,10.7Norton Elementary School ,65.9,69.8Okolona Elementary School ,29.7,50.0Portland Elementary ,20.4,28.6Price Elementary ,42.5,46.5Rangeland Elementary ,42.6,36.3Roosevelt Perry Elementary ,26.3,34.2Rutherford Elementary ,26.2,37.9Sanders Elementary ,37.5,51.9Schaffner Elementary ,65.3,54.2Semple Elementary ,30.6,26.0Shacklette Elementary ,44,48.4Shelby Traditional Academy ,46.3,41.0Slaughter Elementary ,13,32.5Smyrna Elementary ,60.4,64.6St Matthews Elementary ,70.2,72.4Stonestreet Elementary ,49.2,58.3Stopher Elementary ,89.4,90.6Trunnell Elementary ,33.3,43.7Tully Elementary ,76.5,74.1Watson Lane Elementary ,27.9,38.6Watterson Elementary ,48.4,61.2Wellington Elementary ,22.7,18.2Wheatley Elementary ,31.7,19.7Wheeler Elementary ,73.4,73.8Wilder Elementary ,63,50.5Wilkerson Elementary ,61.1,46.3Wilt Elementary ,54.1,32.9Young Elementary ,29.3,31.9Zachary Taylor Elementary ,38.8,41.3[/table]