The Louisville Metro Council on Monday re-elected Democrat Jim King to a fifth consecutive term as council president.
King, who was not present for the vote, gained 15 votes in an election that was split down party lines. All but two council members, King and David Yates, a Democrat from District 25, were present for the vote.
Council Republicans chose to vote "present."
Kelly Downard, a Republican from District 16, said he intended “no disrespect nor confrontation” by opting to vote present, but said there is a “desire for a step back and change.”
“I’ve noticed, as have my colleagues, a decided change in leadership style in terms of support for council initiatives and Metro Council authority."
Barbara Shanklin, a Democrat from District 2, voted for King but said this term should be seen as a fresh start for council leadership. She said past leadership has exhibited poor communication with the entire council.
“Everybody should be included in whatever is going on,” she said. “There should never be any backroom deals.”
King, in a statement, said his selection as council president is “humbling.”
He said being elected as president “does not put me in charge, but of service,” to council members.
The Democrats have also chosen Councilman David James to serve as chair of the Democratic Caucus; Councilwoman Madonna Flood will be the vice chair.
The Republicans have chosen Councilman Kevin Kramer as their caucus chair. Councilwoman Marilyn Parker will be the Republican Caucus' vice chair.