A PBS documentary scheduled for broadcast in late April dissects the pattern of incarceration in America by turning the lens on prison culture in Kentucky.Produced by "Frontline," the documentary features several members of the Louisville community, including Jayjuan Taylor, the 14-year-old that has been a voice in the recent concerns of teenage violence.Christopher 2X, a community activist, said the documentary’s producers chose Louisville over other cities with high incarceration rates, such as Baltimore."They said their data showed that Louisville had a serious incarceration situation," he said."They wanted to pull the heartstrings of America," 2X said. "The children in the documentary are going to be powerful."In the documentary, Louisville Metro Corrections Director Mark Bolton says “we’re locking up people that we’re angry at.” He says the jail should be used for people “that are going to hurt us.”The documentary is scheduled to premiere on April 29. Click here to watch a trailer.