A bill that would permit Kentucky universities to study and develop treatments using cannabis oil has been filed in the state Senate.Cannabidiol is an ingredient found in the marijuana plant. It has an extremely low THC content, which means it doesn’t get its users high, and a growing body of research shows it can significantly reduce seizures, even in children with epilepsy.State Sen. Julie Denton says that the cannabidiol found in strains of cannabis oil can save lives.“There is anecdotal and some small research evidence that it’s very effective for children who have severe seizure disorders," says Denton, a Louisville Republican."These children can have hundreds of seizures a day. They’re using all kinds of medications that are currently on the market to no avail. And the side effect of that medication, some of those medications, can be very detrimental to their health.”Denton says that by focusing on just the oil and not medical marijuana, the bill has a greater chance of passing the Senate.
Bill Allowing Study of Cannabis Oil Proposed in Kentucky State Senate