Each week, members of the WFPL News team spotlight interesting stories we've read and enjoyed, for your weekend reading pleasure:Gabe Bullard:Toast is in. It's the latest hip food in San Francisco. And scoff all you like, but this article on the origins of the toast trend will have you reaching for a loaf of bread in the first half and for a tissue in the last half. ReadA Toast Story.Joseph Lord:Louisville's most famous native, Muhammad Ali, turned 72 on Friday. To celebrate, check out this version of the 1989 essay My Dinner With Ali from The Courier-Journal Magazine. It's an engaging piece of locally published journalism about perhaps the most engaging person ever to have called Louisville home. Read My Dinner With Ali.Bonus: I have a feeling we won't for a long time forget the extreme cold weather that hit the region earlier this month. Everyone said to bundle up. This essay from Outside magazine, highlighted by Longform, explains in intricate detail what happens when your body freezes. (Short version: Nothing good.) Read The Cold Hard Facts of Freezing to Death.