Things that happened this week: controversy brews again from this summer's removal trial of Louisville Councilwoman Barbara Shanklin, a suburban Louisville police officer says he was fired because he's gay and a conversation with graphic designer Chip Kidd. We'll discuss these and more on Byline today.During the Louisville Forum, it was alleged that Metro Councilwoman voted to retain Shanklin (which the council ultimately did) solely because she's African American. WFPL's Phillip Bailey moderated the forumand has dug further—he'll discuss the latest.Earlier this week, former Audubon Park Police sergeant Kile Nave alleged that he was harassed and retaliated against by his supervisor. An attorney for the suburb denies the allegations, but the Louisville Relations Commission has issued a finding that sides with Nave.I'll discuss this one.The Courier-Journal's Mike Wynn will discuss his recent story about police tracking license plates with new technology.WFPL's Gabe Bullard recently chatted with graphic designer Chip Kidd, who is known for his book covers,among other work. We'll hear their conversation.We'll also hear about the controversy over handshakes after Kentucky high school games, license plate tracking and more. Tune in to Byline at 1 p.m. today at 89.3 or stream at